Quote of the Day (2016)


01. January
02. February
03. March
04. April
05. May
06. June
07. July
08. August
09. September
10. October
11. November
12. December


January 1: “Myahh.” -Brian Fu
January 2: “I like watching Jason play video games.” -Isaac Elliot
January 3: “As long we have our senses–even just one–we have at least the possibility of accessing what makes us feel human; connected.” -BJ Miller, Ted Talk
January 4: “Giving up feels great.” -Natalie Skerlong
January 5: “The day I learned about global-political economics was the day I lost hope in humanity.” -Raouf Chebri
January 6: “If we make a mistake, it’s over. The customer is crazy.” -Raj Mandaala
January 7: “#adultlife” -Kiyung Park
January 8: “No. Forever.” -Monica Erickson
January 9: “I would use just the banana, but I like to have the extra layer of protection.” -Mank Logue
January 10: “Grandparents are good for NOTHING. …[10-second pause]… just kidding.” -Kaid Skerlong
January 11: “Sam.” “Are you talking to me or you?” -Sam, while talking to Sam
January 12: “Most churches feel exclusive until you start investing in them.” -LG
January 13: “Don’t forget to back up the production database before making changes to it!” -everybody on the team
January 14: “Why so serious?” -Ravani Sabbini
January 15: “Goo.” -Natalie Skerlong
January 16: “Don’t approach.” -Oreo
January 17: “There’s always next year….” -12th Man
January 18: “We are in beautiful place now.” -Me
January 19: “You didn’t tell me? I’m mad.” -Jon Moon
January 20: “If Amit is not available or approachable, you can contact me. I may not always be available, but I am always approachable.” -Pankaj Tripathi
January 21: “It’s long, arduous, painful, and will hurt your soul. Sadly, it’s also required.” -James Brace
January 22: “When’s smash night again?” -Chris Smith
January 23: “Don’t play Ganon.” -Otto Bisno (Silent Wolf)
January 24: “A resurrected savior is better than any earthly king.” -Pastor David Staples
January 25: “This is my life, and what’s left of it…I’m going to take back.” -Totalbiscuit (link)
January 26: “A lot of the way your parents raise you has an imprint on how you view God.” -Wayne Smith
January 27: “Your thoughts are a reflection of your heart.” -Erich Lee
January 28: “It stinks in here, by the way.” -Raouf Chebri
January 29: “Playing is way more fun.” -Heather Kenning
January 30: “There’s a hair on my knob. …that probably sounds really wrong.” -Noah Natan
January 31: “I’ve got problems that creativity can’t solve.” -Chris Choi


February 1: “You only like Seattle because you were born in Seattle.” -Kamala Kotupalli
February 2: “The authorities said it was for the greater good. But good isn’t the same as right.” -Faith Connnors; Mirror’s edge
February 3: “Always compare your local file with the server’s. Check-in is a crime.” -Amit Agarwal
February 4: “What if she’s BUTT UGLY?” -Jessica Lee
February 5: “It’s pissin’ out there.” -Brendan Derks
February 6: “Everybody’s the same as they used to be…” -Aliah Kim
February 7: “Ouch :(” -Greezelord (netplay)
February 8: “You need to be called out more anyway.” -Elise Cho
February 9: “Okay… talk to Kamala.” -Amit Agarwal
February 10: “Pooping is very serious business, Raouf.” -me
February 11: “You also just keep changing the requirements.” -Nidhi Sharma (about ↓)
February 12: “I know this even without you telling me. I’m smart, so…” -Syed Hussain
February 13: “That’s literally the gayest thing I’ve ever seen, including all the gay porn I’ve watched.” -Yoseph Kim
February 14: “She’s really pretty.” -Gina Kim
February 15: “Never trust a woman.” -Total Biscuit
February 16: “…for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” -Romans 3:23
February 17: “You’re doing well.” -Raj Mandaala
February 18: “As leaders, we are never responsible for filling anyone else’s cup. Our responsibility is to empty ours.” -Andy Stanley
February 19: “I miss the 70s. People were more willing to joke back then.” -Evolution Studios guy
February 20: “I don’t like flying, it makes me constipated.” -Mrs. Skerlong
February 21: “That’s why he’s still single.” -Joe Bae
February 22: “What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.” -Ecclesiastes 1:9
February 23: “You have to make a commitment before you can make a change.” -John Lee
February 24: “You guys can go home now.” -Syed Hussain
February 25: “What talent we have.” -Erich Lee (source)
February 26: “Goodbye. Thank you for everything.” -Ravali Sabbani
February 27: “Chicken strips are usually the weakest form of chicken.” -Michael Skerlong
February 28: “These dice are CURSED.” -James Lee
February 29: “This is not the way the world works.” -Elise Cho


March 1: “You’ve already checked out, dude.” -James Hayes
March 2: “If a king must declare that he is so, then is he really?” -TtheWriter
March 3: “Do you walk like a sloth?! Where are you?!” -Eunice Sun
March 4: “A virus.” -Agent Smith, The Matrix 
March 5: “I want to see death.” -Masha Fields
March 6: “Dude….I’m sorry, that was rancid.” -John Lee
March 7: “Why are Chinese jokes so unfunny?” -Xing Guo
March 8: “Living is the first branch you hit on the way down the ‘unique’ tree.” -Nick Kocher (link)
March 9:  “You guys wanted it done for free? Well, here’s Bob.” -David Staples
March 10: “Hahaha… …that was a sympathy laugh.” -Kiyung Park
March 11: “I’m always funny, dude.” -Vinicio Sanchez
March 12: “Y’know what, screw it. Let’s do it. Let’s start a TF2 team.” -Ming Quan
March 13: “You want my advice on starting a 6s team? Don’t.” -DaneyWaney
March 14: “Time to almost start working.” -Vinicio Sanchez
March 15: “We need to remember that God is not a helicopter parent.” -Wayne Smith
March 16: “A leader without a following is just a person walking.” -John Staples
March 17: “I hate that you know so much.” -John Lee
March 18: “Asperger’s.” -Elise Cho
March 19: “The elevator has a ‘BR’ button… does that stand for ‘bathroom?'” -random girl
March 20: “Ignorance does not equal innocence.” -Pastor David Staples
March 21: “What I hate about the world is… everything takes too much time and there isn’t enough time to do everything.” -Me (???)
March 22: “Should I get her number?” -Roger Zeng
March 23: “I’m going to make a bind that says, ‘That’s twice the size of mine!’ and see how often I use it.” -Skrublord
March 24: “Gross, what is th–oh, it’s your stomach.” -Natalie Skerlong
March 25: “People can become desensitized to anything.” -Jane Lee
March 26: “Hello, my name is David Droz, and today I have failed.” -David Droz
March 27: “The Sound of Music? …. (mouthing) I love you.” -Jessica Campbell
March 28: “Pride is when you’d rather give credit to yourself than to anyone else.” -Bok Oh
March 29: “That’s a Ravali problem. Where is Ravali? Can we call her?” -Amit Agarwal
March 30: “I’ll give you five bucks if you complete this training for me. …never mind, I think I gave it to my mom.” -Raouf Chebri
March 31: “The pace of ministry is very slow.” -Dan Lee


April 1: “Merci beaucoup.” -Raouf’s mom
April 2: “I’ll give you a Snickers bar once you finish mopping.” -Uncle James
April 3: “My mom has been telling me … she doesn’t think it’s peace of mind that I have, it’s just stupidity.” -Elise Cho
April 4: “There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside of you.” -Maya Angelou
April 5: “There’s no point in worrying about things you can’t change.” -Raouf Chebri
April 6: “In many ways, talent is just passion applied.” -Toph
April 7: “Nah man, I’m full as he–uh… heck.” -Dan Lee
April 8: “What do you think would be better? Do you think we should deploy today?” -Syed Hussain
April 9: “If you sow your seeds on poisoned ground, don’t be surprised if everything dies.” -Totalbiscuit
April 10: “Some people are just more fit to be unmarried.” -John Lee
April 11: “I’m back in the promised land. Well… I should say… the land of broken promises.” -Raouf Chebri
April 12: “Let’s do itttt”- Vinicio Sanchez
April 13: “Jason Poo-Shoes.” -Natalie Skerlong
April 14: “Nothing you do today will be as important as the few moments you spend with Jesus. Nothing.” -Erich Lee
April 15: “You are very smart, I can tell by the questions you ask.” -Nidhi Sharma (my reaction)
April 16: “Only those who are prepared to acknowledge that they are unworthy can put faith in the Giver of grace.” -James Moffatt
April 17: She wept.
April 18: “A relationship with God is a necessity, not a luxury.” -Chris Cho
April 19: “At the end of the day, God cares more about the decision maker than about the decisions he’s made.” -Elise Cho
April 20: “I’m just doing praise team for myself.” -Jiwoon Choi
April 21: “You know what my school’s slogan is? ‘One of Seattle’s Colleges.'” -Sol Youn
April 22: “Every suicide steals something the people left behind – a sense of security, of resilience.” -Rebecca Hersher
April 23: “Dedication without direction is delusion.” -Allen Ross
April 24: “Find a good manager.” -Alex Hsieh
April 25: “There is no ‘because.’ Just do it.” -Amit Agarwal
April 26: “The dashboard is very important.” -Shaojian
April 27: “In spite of this, you still left her a post-it?” -Syed Hussain
April 28: “You have to be relatively intelligent to realize how stupid you are.” -John Cleese (link)
April 29: “It could have been yours if you had played your cards right.” -Sam Suruda
April 30: “他們要求的很多,有的時候我很丟臉。” -Mom


May 1: “Recognition and response defines the relationship.” -Pastor David Staples
May 2: “You’re SIXTEEN?” -Damian Nelson
May 3: “Kissing is just pushing your lips against the sweet end of 66 feet of intestines.” -Drew Carey
May 4: “The new dolphin is gonna have less lag than a console.” -Robosky
May 5: “PJSalt” -Eric Wang
May 6: “Muffins” -Kamala Koutipalli
May 7: “We have to practice doubles, now that we’re partners…” -Noah Natan
May 8: “There is some logic to this madness.” -Erich Lee
May 9: “People will do well if you make them happy.” -Nidhi Sharma
May 10: “Yesterday, she told me she thought Keanu Reeves was a Backstreet Boy.” -Yoseph Kim
May 11: “I might have mono.” -Vinicio Sanchez
May 12: “Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.” -Proverbs 12:18
May 13: “This needs to be fixed today.” -Syed Hussain
May 14: “You should get an MBA eventually. I think it would help you specifically.” -Erich Lee
May 15: “I hide my thieves’ tools in his butt.” -James Lee
May 16: “Even a blind squirrel is able to find nuts sometimes.” -Neriah Yoo
May 17: “If a man pays back evil for good, evil will never leave his house.” -Proverbs 17: 13
May 18: “Quit being a diva.” -Pastor Mark Kim
May 19: “The calling to be a worship leader should not be taken lightly.” -Daniel Bae
May 20: “Fruit does not appear on the tree fully-grown. Fruit grows.” -Pastor John Staples
May 21: “Every story must have an ending.” -Auron, FFX
May 22: “You grow the most when you’re least ready to.” -Pastor Mark Kim
May 23: “How old are you? 27?” -Neriah Yoo, to me
May 24: “God doesn’t wake up in the morning and think He’s you.”
May 25: “JASON FU. …..you are my hero.” -Samuel Koo
May 26: “Every game [of DOTA] is sad.” -Bat
May 27: “You can give without loving, but you can’t love without giving.” -Pastor John Staples
May 28: “Wow, you put on weight.” -Marc Chu
May 29: “If it happens, I’m calling it right now.” -James Hayes
May 30: “Maybe you should go play the lottery. Play 072.” -Julie Vega
May 31: “I’m going to miss  you once we stop working together.” -Vinicio Sanchez


June 1: “Don’t forget to donate to Faster Melee, because this wouldn’t have been possible without them dividing the community so quickly.” -Dan Salvato (link)
June 2: “It makes sense you forgot how to be single again.” -Michelle Cheng
June 3: “My feet are killing me.” -Brian Fu
June 4: “You’re a lifesaver.” -Daniel Bae
June 5: “Waistline.” -Erich Lee
June 6: “David is pretty butthurt.” -Scott Sol
June 7: “Plan to come to HCL every day except Monday from now on.” -Raj Mandaala
June 8: “Did you call her honey?” -Chris Smith (mayo)
June 9: “The best way to get in shape is to never be out of shape.” -a wise man
June 10: “I would date you.” -Bin Mei
June 11: “Thanks so much for coming!” -Noah Natan
June 12: “Why, God? Why?” -America
June 13: “Are you joking?” -Anusha Bhura
June 14: “I don’t really feel sad about these things.” -Jay Singh
June 15: “What good is the truth if you can’t understand it?” -James Hayes
June 16: “西雅图, 拜拜了” -乾媽
June 17: “Yeahh…I don’t f**kin’ care.” -Raouf Chebri
June 18: “They like to play Uno with spicy rules in Indonesia.” -Drew Minaker
June 19: “I did it, guys.” -John Lee
June 20: “He gave you a ride for free?” -Alex Wallin’s roommate
June 21: “If I’m going to help him, I’m going to help you.” -Susan Kim
June 22: “If I ever get too cocky, just remind me of that time I accidentally sent an email to 1,000+ people.” -Vinicio Sanchez
June 23: “I’m sure you have already guessed…” -Raj Mandaala
June 24: “Why is this taking so much time?” -Syed Hussain
June 25: “African snake?” -Rebekah Lee (pictionary)
June 26: “I don’t want bad things to happen, but if they do, I would like to be on shift.” -James Lee, firefighter
June 27: “The death of classical music is perhaps its oldest continuing tradition.” -Charles Rosen
June 28: “You can be a sumo wrestler.” -Dad
June 29: “Luck is all about preparation.” -Frank M.
June 30: “It was a pleasure working with you.” -Syed Hussain


July 1: “Well, the world is your goddamn oyster, you smartypants youngster.” -Sue Lee
July 2: “I’ve never seen one so fresh before.” “you can see one come straight out of the oven if you want.” -David Kim; Alyssa Chung
July 3: “Why do we have kids?” -Kalvin Kim
July 4: “All those cods and rones…I mean cones and rods” -Xing Guo
July 5: “The honest philosopher seeks only the Truth, even if it bears no comfort; and he must begin by assuming, as Socrates said, the all he knows is that he knows nothing.” -Straton of Stageira
July 6: “I’m playing Marth because all the other characters are boring.” -Volk
July 7: “As long as she loves God, well…. not much else matters.” -Gina Kim
July 8: “You need to help your team with workload.” -Amit Khatnani
July 9: “My goodness…you’re being so needy today.” -John Lee
July 10: “Jason Fu? That guy never gave a fuck about what anybody thought. I need to add him on Facebook.” -Amin Shariatmadari
July 11: “Never talk to Syed again. Ever.” -Amit Agarwal
July 12: “Your jokes are the opposite of on fire today. Your jokes are wet.” -Yoseph Kim
July 13: “Well….we can’t assume anything….” -Jiwoon Choi, David Kim, Stephanie So, and Jane Lee
July 14: “Can you help me with DRI tomorrow?” -Vinicio Sanchez
July 15: “You can’t shake hands with a clenched fist.” -Indira Gandhi, through Little Jacob, Grand Theft Auto IV
July 16: “In first place…. Izzy and grandpa!” -Ashley Koo
July 17: “Girls are like strategy games.” -Elise Cho
July 18: “There is no place in American discourse for the vile, vitriolic hate coming out of this ideology [#blacklivesmatter].” -Sheriff David Clarke(link)
July 19: “I did all the CSE for non-majors classes for fun.” -Aline Nguyen
July 20: “I don’t plan on getting old.” -Yoseph Kim
July 21: “But what if the bear grabs the chainsaw?” -Josh Kim
July 22: “That’s the ‘you peed in my cereal’ face.” -Chris Choi
July 23: “We don’t have one person who was a headlight; we have someone who was the Light.” -Pastor Mark Kim
July 24: “We will jam again… one day.” -Josh Lee
July 25: “I’m taking a break from this game or my phone is gonna end up in a thousand pieces…” -Mdf777
July 26: “Music has the ability to enter someone’s soul without their permission.” -Joel Houston; “The only time I saw my mom cry was when I got a C in high school.” -Jiwoon Choi
July 27: “I was expecting you to win against Joeco.” -Noah Natan
July 28: “I’m liking your musings.” -Lisa Choi
July 29: “The mark of a truly mature person is that their judgment is never tainted by stipulations based on arbitrary things such as age, density of follicles, etc.” -Erich Lee
July 30: “Left to right or right to left?” -Mark’s mom
July 31: “You and I have become a little more than just friends…” “So like…friends with benefits?” -John Lee; me


August 1: “Balloon.” -Bin Mei
August 2: “大便” -Dad
August 3: “What is that FRAGRANT SMELL?” -Bradley Stafford
August 4: “It’s easy to blame the violent and militant US cops for the amount of shootings, but I’m sure most of you American citizens would react exactly the same in their position.” -/u/krautcop (source)
August 5: “The swords is NOT supposed to come out.” -Conundroom host
August 6: “No, well, even after spending this little time with you, I can tell you have social skills.” -Jeff Smith
August 7: “It doesn’t feel half bad.” -Sam Smith
August 8: “Let’s hang when I am back?” -Frank Liu
August 9: “Reading is the fucking warp whistle from Super Mario 3.” -/u/ryans01 (link)
August 10: “If you know God, you don’t have to want anymore.” -Shane Everett
August 11: “Durian? That’s what Alyssa’s perfume smells like.” -James Lee
August 12: “Do you know what a meat spit looks like?” -Sam Suruda
August 13: “I would have stayed longer if there were board games…” -Sam Yoo; “Goodbye, Mank!”
August 14: “How much you’ve grown up can be measured by how big you perceive your world to be.” … “Sometimes… durians are like people.” -Elise Cho
August 15: “Say that you’re open.” -Raouf Chebri
August 16: “Do you want to wash your car? I was going to wash mine. We can wash them together to make it faster.” -Brian Fu
August 17: “You can come in just twice a week.” -Raj Mandaala
August 18: “A good con man takes a little bit of truth and a lot of lies and pulls the wool over the eyes of the ignorant.” -Carey Burtt (link)
August 19: “Do you remember anything?”
August 20: “Just gotta….run with it. Eh? Eh? Anybody?” -Chris Cho
August 21: “Your hair is on point.” -Daniel Bae
August 22: “Well, that’s….deincentivizing.” -Eric, physical therapist
August 23: “We brought you whisky.” -Yoseph Kim
August 24: “Pity if powerful.” -Raouf Chebri
August 25: “I think we’ve got a pretty good chance at a six-figure case here.” -Bruce Wiener
August 26: “The hearing test came back very good!” -Dr. Lisa Mulligan
August 27: “You shall soon taste the divine.” -Lisa Choi
August 28: “I heard you tried to die while I was gone.” -Chris Choi; “你的命很大” -小舅舅
August 29: Gene Wilder
August 30: “I’m actually offended.” -Chris Cho
August 31: “You gained weight.” -Sang K. Cho


September 1: “Is this how you see Melee, Kevin? In paragraphs?” -Mang0 (link)
September 2: “Yeah, man.” -Eric’s mom
September 3: “Our parents are playing pool and being super loud.” -Daniel Koh
September 4: “Who’s Chris?” -Jon Neufeld
September 5: “You lose again.” -Eldritch Horror
September 6: “If it’s good enough for you, it’s good enough for me.” -Dr. Nicolae Vadan
September 7: “idk if you heard the news, but…” -Christian Kwon
September 8: “I WAS ON HIS QUOTE OF THE DAY ONCE” -Bradley Stafford
September 9: “There’s no refunds. There’s no return policy.” -David Cho
September 10: “Choose what you believe before the storm comes in.” -James Hayes
September 11: “Remember” ; “You can’t substitute your personal relationship with God with service to God.” -Pastor David Staples
September 12: “Legalists are the worst advertisements for the Christian faith because they are just hedonists in disguise.” -Tim Chaddick
September 13: “I can never step closer to God without realizing the need to step into the lives of others.” -Erich Lee
September 14: “#humblepie” -Frank Liu
September 15: “Context is everything.”
September 16: “I like watching real-life drama happen right in front of me.” -S. Kim
September 17: “I’m not upset; I’m just impatient.” -Sam Suruda
September 18: “Do you want to learn Android: Netrunner?” -Jun Du (repeat ad infinitum)
September 19: “Nolan’s convinced that we lost the game. I’m going to prove him wrong.” -Cameron Ernotte; “That’s sh–…c–…d–…sh–…I mean, that’s ridiculous.” -Neriah Yoo
September 20: “I never caught your name.” “I never threw it.”
September 21: “You can’t go wrong with ‘baby.'” -Lisa Choi
September 22: “I want you to take it faithfully for the next seven days.” -Dr. Soon Kimm
September 23: “It’s not your fault.” -Sean, Good Will Hunting 
September 24: “I just don’t understand….how this all hinges on me.” -Julian Richter
September 25: “The law doesn’t reveal our goodness; it only exposes out brokenness.” -Pastor David Staples
September 26: “idkkkkk you sound like you’re comforting yourself lol” -Michelle Cheng
September 27: “You don’t get sick. If you feel sick, you should be alarmed. When other people feel pain at a 4 or 5, then they’ll say something. But you only start saying something at 10.” -Mom
September 28: “I don’t know if I went too far with the ‘old school’ theme…” -Jiwoon Choi
September 29: “The name? I’m not edgy or anything. It’s just human nature.” -DeprivedHumans
September 30: “Face your 2k like a champ.” -Bat


October 1: “Music is sonorous air. It says everything and it says nothing.” -Ferruccio Busoni (Daniel Barenboim sound bite)
October 2: “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” -A.W. Tozer
October 3: “If you want to reach someone, do things for him. If you want to change his life, build a relationship with him.” -Chris Cho (source?)
October 4: “taco 먹었어 / 다 까먹었어” -massage therapist
October 5: “Balloon story? I don’t remember the balloon story.” “I remember the balloon story.” -Chris Smith; Jeff Rowland
October 6: “It’s just been a wobbly day.” -David Kim (pharm)
October 7: “Mr. Park.” -Alyssa Chung; “It’s interesting to see where peoples’ lives from school go. ….and where they end.” -Cameron Ernotte
October 8: “You are very fun to play against.” -Blake (netplay)
October 9: “God allows these things to happen…never to pay us back, but to win us back.” -Pastor David Staples
October 10: “If the problem can be solved why worry? If the problem cannot be solved, worrying will do you no good.” – Śāntideva
October 11: “…do I know you?” -Melvin Soetrisno
October 12: “颱風” -Mom
October 13: “If the kingdom of heaven is not segregated, then why on earth is the local church?” -Pastor Mark Deymaz
October 14: “Did you practice on an orange or something?” -Gina Kim
October 15: “I feel lied to.” -Eric Wang
October 16: “You have impeccable mechanics in your writing.” -Chris Choi (Choiboy)
October 17: “You guys did a kick-ass job.” -Neriah Yoo
October 18: “OH. Do you want me to introduce you two? Come here, let me introduce you two.” -Dr. Sang K. Cho
October 19: “How come you’re not eating?” -Jiwoon Choi
October 20: “We should consider it a joy, not a burden, to do the work of learning new ways to more clearly represent Christ and His Word to a watching world.” -Rachel Watson (source)
October 21: “Read it 100 times.” -James Hayes
October 22: “I’m going back to Mexico tomorrow. My visa expired.” -Rollerbob
October 23: “Jason, I pray that you become a millionaire.” -Pastor John Staples
October 24: “Oh. Are you that Asian guy with the Ganon?” -Faddiaddi
October 25: “Your character is bad, but you make it work” -Whino
October 26: “There is no escape from the enemy who lives within.” -Electroboom (link)
October 27: “You clearly just don’t have the mindset to be an actual decent player. I would suggest reevaluating that” -MyGoalsInMelee
October 28: “What is Martin…ee? Oh, Martini.” -Jane Lee
October 29: “She’s clumsy.” -Bae Park
October 30: “Why is everything that I get dirty?” “It’s a metaphor for your life.” -James Hayes; Me
October 31: “A man who does not fart is a man who hides secrets.” -Confucius (aka me)


November 1: “It doesn’t hurt to say ‘I love you’ to your mom every once in a while, y’know?” -Lisa Choi
November 2: “I couldn’t get tickets for the Seattle show, so out of frustration, I got tickets for the San Fransisco show.” -Brian Fu
November 3: “It’s always a snow day in music theory.” -Mr. Steves
November 4: “You’re probably one of the smartest guys I know.” “……what?” -Daniel Bae; Me
November 5: “You can poop your pants now!” -Michael Hsieh
November 6: “[Sometimes,] it’s okay to stand in the darkness.” -Eunice Sun
November 7: “Patriotism can involve sacrifice on behalf of your country…[it] is about serving your country first.” -Henry Reich (link)
November 8: “I am a tiny bit happy that my smug piece of shit liberal friends are losing their minds on my FB feed.” -absurd slit
November 9: “Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul, sings the tune with all the words and never stops at all….” -Emily Dickinson (source); “I had a peek at her other side. But don’t worry, I asked her for permission first.” -Elise Cho
November 10: “I don’t think enough people expose themselves to differing viewpoints.” -Bob Diep
November 11: “I find it obscene that we can bury so many people and know nothing about them.” -Brian Turner
November 12: “I figure life’s too short for me to do something I hate for an extra $20k/yr.” -Keith McAfee
November 13: “On the vast majority of issues, we are so much closer than [the media] would have Americans think.” “And we are more decent than we behave.” (Morning Joe video)
November 14: “Being gracious in your relationships is respect for others; being firm in your relationships is respect for yourself.” -Neriah Yoo
November 15: “At McDonald’s….without my wallet.” -Eric Wang
November 16: (Immediately following a discussion of classical literature)”HEY did you guys see that meme with Joe Biden and Barack Obama?” -Lisa Choi
November 17: “His hair looks like a poop fell on his head.” -Mom
November 18: “C’mon, let’s see some of that youthful energy.” -Dr. Cho
November 19: “What’s something you stack stuff on top of?” “A clock?” -Yoseph Kim; Sarah [Im]
November 20: “You should count me out for today…” -Jiwoon Choi
November 21: “How much do you have to hate somebody to not proselytize?” -Penn Jillette (link)
November 22: “It’s really tight here.” “Thanks.” -Massage therapist; me
November 23: “What happened here?” “I accidentally knocked something over…wait, my mom told me not to talk to strangers.” -Me; a young boy (we were in a board game store)
November 24: “This is kind of a boring game.” -Brian Fu
November 25: “I need to get some Christmas parents for my presents.” -Sam Suruda
November 26: “Play exciting, not excited.” -Hal Galper
November 27: “I don’t…get…you.” -Eric Wang
November 28: “An organization that’s held together by just one person is not a good one.”
November 29: “I think I could have made this at home on the barbecque.” -Dad, talking about a filet mignon at an expensive steakhouse
November 30: “Yeah… I recently got into sweaters myself.” -Gabe Koh


December 1: “That was…dicey.” -Zac Weber (after rolling dice)
December 2: “If I buy something expensive, it better make me money.” -Kiyung Park
December 3: “Lola’s got lots of secrets.” -Gabe Koh
December 4: “I went from one Fu to another Fu.” -Pastor James Kim
December 5: “If the biotech industry didn’t have to spend money redoing all those failed tests, it would have enough money to own the earth.” -Neriah Yoo
December 6: “I learned from the best.” “Yeah? Who?” “Me.” -Me; Silvia Chang
December 7: “Do you want to see my guitar?” -Peter
December 8: “Are you a generous tipper?” -Chris Choi
December 9: “When people get upset…they regress into children.” -David Kim
December 10: “Oh, right. Hold the ledge.” *falls past the ledge to his death* -Bradley Stafford
December 11: “It’s just money.” -Jinny Koh
December 12: “Emergency Christmas!!!”
December 13: “We’ve got a long way to go before we catch up to Mother Nature.” -Tour Guide, USS Blueback
December 14: “I never learned to write lowercase Roman numerals…” -Gabe Koh (this was the result)
December 15: “Attitude is more important than technical skill.” -Augustine of Hippo, 2016
December 16: “Don’t forget to give me your number.”
December 17: “Can I play you?” -Hungrybox
December 18: “Have you been to Dick’s?” “Like, sporting goods?” -Pookie; Gravy
December 19: “I don’t think I’ve ever successfully pooped before.” “You’re probably going to end up on his quote of the day.” -Danielle; Bradley Stafford
December 20: “No artist goes through life without hating his early work.”
December 21: “Jason, you would make the worst girlfriend ever.” -Lisa Choi; “I’m not a musician, I’m a worship leader.” -Jiwoon choi
December 22: “It breaks my heart to say this, but Ganondorf is not viable.” -Andy Singh
December 23: “I don’t want to be remembered as the ‘nice guy.'” -Hyuk Suh
December 24: “This is a loose orange. This is a tight orange. Look at that it’s so tight. That’s how you know it’s going to be good.” -Paul Cho
December 25: “Gifts are bullshit.” -absurd slit
December 26: “You just got bananagrammed.” -Sam Yoo
December 27: “Instant bondage. I mean…bonding.” -Scott Sol
December 28: “Oh, she’s funny, all right.” -Jason Koh
December 29: “That means you’ve got your head straight on your shoulders.” -Samson G.
December 30: “Sounds familiar…” -Kiyung Park
December 31: “You’re my guy.” -Alexa Derks; Annie Suruda